Driving Mobility Archives - Page 6 of 7 - Driving Mobility

East Anglian DriveAbility ensures Michael is safe to drive with early Alzheimer’s

East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has given Michael Burton from Chelmsford the all clear to continue driving with early stage dementia.

Part of the Driving Mobility national network of driving assessment centres, East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has given Michael Burton from Chelmsford the all clear to continue driving with early stage dementia.

Driving Mobility oversees twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. EAD is part of this network with centres in Thetford and Colchester. In addition to driving assessments, its Occupational Therapists and Driving Advisors provide several additional services including guidance regarding specialist paediatric car seats and mobility scooters.

Following his diagnosis Michael was referred by the DVLA to East Anglian DriveAbility for a comprehensive fitness-to-drive assessment. Michael’s wife, Sharon, comments: “Being diagnosed with dementia doesn’t mean that Michael has to stop driving immediately, however the DVLA do require confirmation that my husband is safe to continue. We didn’t have to wait long for an assessment date at the Colchester centre.”

Michael attended EAD in November 2018 where he was professionally assessed by an Occupational Therapist and an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI). They explained the process and collected detailed information regarding his medical background and driving experience. Michael then undertook a series of cognitive and perceptual tests which assessed how his brain interprets what he sees around him and the way this information is used for planning. Sharon expands: “We were very impressed with the thoroughness of the assessment and the supportive attitude of the EAD team. Michael was shown road signs to identify and asked the speed limits for various types of roads. His eyesight was checked to see if he could read number plates at the legally required distance and his peripheral vision was tested. We were pleased that he passed the required target levels within this part of the assessment.”

For the second part Michael was accompanied by an ADI and Occupational Therapist during a road test in a dual-controlled vehicle. Michael’s steering, braking and reactions were monitored as well as his speed and decision-making. On return to the centre the specialist staff presented their finding to Michael and Sharon. Sharon explains: “Everything was absolutely fine, which was a relief to both of us. The staff were very informative. They explained that Michael’s awareness and anticipation were at a good level, as were his road positioning and understanding of width and distance.”

Following Michael’s assessment, EAD have provided the DVLA with a detailed written report and requested that Michael attends regular follow-up assessments. Whilst the Burtons understand a time will come when Michael will need to stop driving, they feel reassured that EAD will be monitoring the situation closely and offering professional support.

Sharon concludes: “EAD have really been very helpful and friendly – we couldn’t fault the assessment process. The staff were meticulous with their questions whilst making Michael feel at ease from the beginning. It was obvious that they understood our needs and situation. I have already recommended EAD’s services to new friends we have made at a local Alzheimer’s group. Michael is still in the early stages of dementia but moving forwards, we are happy that EAD will continue to assess his cognitive and driving abilities. It lessens the worry for both of us by knowing we are in good hands.”



East Anglian DriveAbility steers Gary towards safe independent driving from a wheelchair

East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has assisted Gary Gray from Braintree to discover motoring independence with a disability.

Driving Assessment

Part of the Driving Mobility national network of driving assessment centres, East Anglian DriveAbility (EAD) has assisted Gary Gray from Braintree to discover motoring independence with a disability.

Driving Mobility oversees twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. EAD is part of this network with centres in Thetford and Colchester. In addition to driving assessments, its Occupational Therapists and Driving Advisors provide several additional services including guidance regarding specialist paediatric car seats and mobility scooters.

Gary, 53 from Braintree, worked as a Mobile Tyre Fitter until he became ill with peripheral neuropathy in 2011, a condition which develops when nerves in the body’s extremities are damaged. He subsequently spent considerable time dealing with life-changing consequences and was unable to drive for several years. Before contacting EAD, he had attempted to test drive a WAV (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle), which resulted in damage to the vehicle and a serious dent to his already ‘rock-bottom’ confidence. By self-referring himself to EAD, Gary was determined to find professional and appropriate advice that would re-enable safe independent driving.

Gary comments: “This time a comprehensive assessment took place before I was allowed near a vehicle. This was to provide the EAD staff, including an OT and Approved Driving Instructor, with a true picture of my health, medical requirements and physical and cognitive abilities. It was very professional and completely different to my first experience elsewhere. When I began the actual driving assessment, I was accompanied by specialist staff and received guidance throughout. I tried different options for getting in and out of a vehicle and trialled new assistive controls, such as a steering wheel knob – all at a pace that suited me.”

Following the assessment, EAD provided a comprehensive report which advised Gary on suitable adaptations for safe driving and suggested further lessons would be beneficial. Once these are completed, Gary hopes to choose a vehicle with adaptations via the Motability scheme, based on EAD recommendations.

Gary concludes: “I would really like a drive-from-wheelchair vehicle as this would be easiest for me. EAD have been extremely helpful in showing me all the different aids and adaptations. I now know that a steering wheel knob and wheelchair ramp will be essential which I hadn’t considered before. I feel so informed which will definitely help me with purchasing and driving requirements. Thanks to EAD independent driving is now a possibility for me for the first time in over seven years.”

North West Driving Assessment Service to introduce regional specialist car seat clinics and mobility scooter assessments

North West Driving Assessment Service has launched two new services – car seat and harness assessment clinics for disabled children and mobility scooter assessments for people with restricted mobility.

North West Driving Assessment Service, based in St Helens, Merseyside, has launched two new services – car seat and harness assessment clinics for disabled children and mobility scooter assessments for people with restricted mobility.

Part of the Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, North West Driving Assessment Service (NWDAS) is accredited by the charity Driving Mobility. Its team of Occupational Therapists and Approved Driving Instructors provide professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. Driving Mobility oversees a network of twenty independent organisations – all striving to provide safe and independent mobility.

The new paediatric car seat and harness assessment clinics at NWDAS coincide with the recently launched and relevant Driving Mobility campaign in association with RiDC, The Research Institute for Disabled Consumers. Both charities are working together to raise awareness regarding specialist car seats for disabled children so passenger safety is maximised. This vital information is now readily available to service users attending driving assessment centres across the UK. The new free service at NWDAS is the first of its kind to be provided in the North West of England. It will ensure that disabled children, who require additional postural assistance whilst travelling in a vehicle, can benefit from greater safety and comfort.

Rebecca Jones, OT, NWDAS, comments: “We are delighted to be offering our new specialist car seat clinics which will be overseen by a paediatric Occupational Therapist. We are unaware of anyone in our region offering such an important and unique service – we believe it will deliver peace of mind to many local families with disabled children. Referrals to use this free service can be made via the recommendation of a healthcare professional and we offer convenient times for children, parents and carers to visit our centre. We will discuss needs on a one-to-one basis and explain the variety of seating solutions available from specialist manufacturers such as R82, Recaro and JCM Seating. Our OT will be able to assess a child’s needs and recommend the most appropriate car seat and harness.”

As NWDAS delivers independent driving and mobility assessments for all ages, this highly established centre is now offering mobility scooter suitability assessments. Individuals with reduced mobility or walking difficulties can access this service directly or via medical referrals. To assess product suitability, a variety of mobility scooters from different manufacturers are available to trial with various options regarding features, speed and size.

Rebecca Jones comments: “The provision of mobility scooter assessments allows people to try before they buy – enabling the correct purchasing decision to be made. This is essential so users remain safe and in control of a suitable product. Trying out scooters in the presence of a specialist instructor builds confidence and driving ability for the service user. We are always happy to provide mobility advice and purchasing information as well. We firmly believe both of our new services will deliver greater highway safety and look forward to welcoming new service users to our centre.”

Relaunched Get Going Live! proves popular at William Merritt Centre’s AccessAbility event

The second in a series of regional Get Going Live! events, focusing on accessible motoring and independent mobility, has successfully taken place at the William Merritt Centre’s annual AccessAbility exhibition in Leeds.

The second in a series of regional Get Going Live! events, focusing on accessible motoring and independent mobility, has successfully taken place at the William Merritt Centre’s annual AccessAbility exhibition in Leeds.

18th October. Centenary Pavilion, Leeds United Football Club. LS11 0ES.

The William Merritt Centre, based in Leeds and Sheffield, is one of twenty independent organisations, many with satellite centres, which offer professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility. Supported and accredited by Driving Mobility, all centres are staffed by Occupational Therapists as well as Approved Driving Instructors so that safety and driving solutions for individuals with injuries, disabilities or restricted mobility are maximised. As well as conducting assessments on behalf of the DVLA, Motability and healthcare professionals, Driving Mobility accepts self-referrals.

Previously a feature of the national Mobility Roadshow which closed in 2017, Get Going Live! relaunched for the first time in early October 2018, at the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF), a Driving Mobility centre in Carshalton.

This latest event, hosted by the William Merritt Centre, proved popular all day with both young and older individuals, with existing or progressive conditions, benefitting from free test drives and independent, professional advice. Teenagers, from the age of 14, were provided with unique opportunities to trial adapted vehicles for the first time, in safe surroundings, enabling vital preparations for future driving with a long-term condition or disability. Vehicle manufacturers showcased their latest products as part of the Get Going Live! feature and also within the AccessAbility exhibition itself, allowing event visitors to discover suitable options for assisted and independent motoring.

David Blythe, William Merritt Centre Manager, comments: “We are delighted that our annual AccessAbility exhibition, incorporating Get Going Live! has been so well attended by both visitors and exhibitors. The Get Going Live! feature offered our visitors fantastic opportunities to try adapted and accessible vehicles, accompanied by a specialist driving instructor. This unique experience allows end-users of all ages to make informative decisions regarding safer driving as well as vehicle purchasing and adaptations.”

The wider AccessAbility exhibition successfully showcased new and innovative assistive technology and equipment from leading specialist suppliers. A number of charities were in attendance providing one-to-one advice and information for disabled children and adults or those with additional needs. The exhibition also offered a special gaming area showcasing adaptations which enable access to computers, mobile phones, tablets, toys and computer games whilst providing an area to chill out and have fun.

David Blythe concludes: “The Centenary Pavilion at Leeds United Football Ground has provided an amazing setting for a showcase of assistive products and services that enable people to live with greater independence. We wish to thank everyone involved in organising this rewarding event and look forward to a positive future for both the AccessAbility exhibition and Get Going Live! events.”

Salford Mayor and Mayoress officially open new RDAC driving assessment centre for disabled drivers

Ceremonial Mayor Councillor Ronald H Wilson and Mayoress Pat Wilson officially opened the new RDAC Greater Manchester driving assessment centre, part of the nationwide Driving Mobility accredited network, on 1st November 2018.

Ceremonial Mayor Councillor Ronald H Wilson and Mayoress Pat Wilson officially opened the new RDAC Greater Manchester driving assessment centre, part of the nationwide Driving Mobility accredited network, on 1st November 2018.

The new custom-fitted centre is located at the AJ Bell Stadium Salford which welcomed high numbers of visitors to its launch event. Service users, healthcare professionals and partner associates attended the event along with the Mayor and Mayoress of Salford and senior representatives from the Department for Transport. Members from the wider RDAC network came along to support their Manchester colleagues including the CEO, Colin Barnett. Chief Executive of the overseeing charity Driving Mobility, Edward Trewhella, also attended and was delighted to present the new centre’s Assessment Team Manager, Sean Barratt, with its official accreditation certificate.

The charity, Driving Mobility, accredits a UK network of twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. RDAC is part of this network and has been in existence since 1989 – it provides assessments for older and disabled drivers, passengers, motorcyclists and mobility scooter or wheelchair users. The new RDAC centre in Salford will serve people living in Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire. It provides a team of Approved Driving Instructors, Occupational Therapists and Administrative Staff – all focused on providing assessments that can facilitate safe adapted motoring, sometimes with adapted vehicles.

The launch event encompassed displays of the latest adapted driving controls, steering mechanisms and wheelchair accessible vehicles. Speeches were delivered on behalf of RDAC and Driving Mobility and the indoor vehicle assessment bay generated a welcoming space for many visitors to engage and discuss independent driving.

Sean Barratt, Assessment Team Manager, commented: “Today has been a huge success and I would like to thank everyone involved with organising and attending. It has been fantastic to see so many people, both end users, professional therapists and dignitaries, coming together to understand more about the driving assessment services RDAC provide. The Mayor and Mayoress commented on how impressed they were with the variety of adaptations available these days. They spent considerable time with us understanding what we do and how we aim to provide driving independence to as many disabled and elderly locals as possible. We really appreciate the support of the Mayor, Mayoress and Salford City Council – this has enhanced the impact of our centre’s opening and provides the perfect platform for growth and success in the future.”

Stockport stroke survivor regains driving independence through Driving Mobility’s new flagship RDAC Manchester centre

Philip Wilson, 62, from Stockport, has regained his driving life-line after experiencing a stroke thanks to the support of the new Regional Driving Assessment Centre (RDAC) in Greater Manchester, part of the Driving Mobility network.

Disabled driver

Philip Wilson, 62, from Stockport, has regained his driving life-line after experiencing a stroke thanks to the support of the new Regional Driving Assessment Centre (RDAC) in Greater Manchester, part of the Driving Mobility network.

The charity, Driving Mobility, accredits a UK network of twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. RDAC is part of this network and has been in existence since 1989 – it provides assessments for older and disabled drivers, passengers, motorcyclists and mobility scooter or wheelchair users. Within its services practical advice is given regarding appropriate driving adaptations, WAVs (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles) and specialist tuition so that domestic and professional drivers can remain independent and safe. The new, custom-built RDAC centre in Salford represents a ‘flagship’ modern facility servicing people from Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire.

Following his stroke in January 2016, which resulted in left-side paralysis, Philip spent six months in hospital undergoing rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Once discharged, Philip requested to have his driving licence returned and was delighted when it came back with no restrictions. Philip comments: “I have always been active and mobile. Originally from Liverpool, I was in the navy until 1981. Shortly before my stroke, I worked in International Sales, leaving home on a Monday and returning on a Friday. I spent a lot of time driving and covered about 30,000 miles each year. Being able to drive is important to me and I was thrilled to have my licence back.”

However, due to his left-side weakness and eighteen months without driving, Philip found he had lost confidence and was unsure how to proceed. He had purchased an automatic car but could not find a driving instructor with an automatic dual-controlled vehicle to provide tuition and guidance. Following an online search, Philip contacted RDAC who invited him for a self-referral assessment.

Philip comments: “The Centre staff were welcoming and helpful. I met with Sean Barrett, the Assessment Team Manager, and John Allen, an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI). The assessment they gave me was very thorough. They asked me about my stroke and rehabilitation and also about any medication I was taking. I had cognitive and visual tests and I could see they were observing the way I walked and talked. It was very detailed and I really felt I was in safe hands.”

Philip was then accompanied for a drive in a dual-controlled automatic vehicle and was able to try different adaptations that promote safe and comfortable driving. As Philip finds using left-side controls a challenge, such as the indicators, RDAC recommended a steering ball as well as a Bluetooth device which allows a driver to operate everything with one hand. The centre also provided a written report and details of external Approved Driving Instructors.

Following his RDAC assessment, Philip is driving with confidence again, supported by assistive vehicle adaptations. He is now able to visit the gym three times a week, with rehabilitation exercises specifically aimed at improving functionality.

Philip comments: “A stroke wipes out the memory bank in terms of movement, so I have had to retrain my body to do basic things. In fact, when I first left hospital, I had a competition with my little granddaughter to see who could walk first! My driving assessment was part of this retraining and the Centre’s response was so positive that the boost to my confidence has been huge. I thought “I can do this” – and I have. The Driving Mobility centres offer such a good service to people who are struggling with driving confidence. They have given me my independence back – an absolute life-line for me.”

Disabled driver
Philip Wilson in the driving seat with John Allen, Approved Driving Instructor.



Sutton Mayor and Mayoress declare Get Going Live! an outstanding success at QEF Carshalton

The first relaunched Get Going Live! event in Carshalton, focusing on independent mobility and assisted motoring, has been hailed a success by visitors, QEF Charity organisers and the Mayor and Mayoress of Sutton.

Get Going Live! Carshalton

The first relaunched Get Going Live! event in Carshalton, focusing on independent mobility and assisted motoring, has been hailed a success by visitors, QEF Charity organisers and the Mayor and Mayoress of Sutton.

Friday 5th October. Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF), 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton. SM5 4NR.

Mayor, Councillor Steve Cook and Mayoress Pauline Cook of the London Borough of Sutton officially opened the show which was organised by QEF Mobility Services. Based in Carshalton, QEF Mobility Services is one of twenty independent organisations which offer professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility. Accredited by the charity Driving Mobility, all centres are staffed by Occupational Therapists as well as Approved Driving Instructors so that safety for drivers with injuries, disabilities or restricted mobility is maximised.

The Mayor commented: “The event has really opened my eyes to the outstanding mobility equipment and accessible vehicles that are available these days. The Mayoress and I found Get Going Live! very rewarding and we would like to congratulate QEF for delivering such vital driving and mobility services in our area.”

Karen Deacon, QEF Chief Executive added: “What an amazing day – to have all these companies together with a wealth of knowledge and information to help people become able and not disabled. From our point of view Get Going Live! has been a huge success and I would like to thank everyone who has put so much time and effort into organising the event. The support of the Mayor and Mayoress has also been fantastic – what really impressed me was the time spent with us and the number of products they tried.”

Originally a feature of the national Mobility Roadshow which closed in 2017, this new regional Get Going Live! event was busy all day with visitors engaging with exhibitors and QEF staff. Over 30 mobility equipment manufacturers showcased products and accessible vehicle test drives were available around QEF’s private test track. There were also informative seminars regarding accessible transport and advice from the QEF’s Tryb4uFly service which advises on air travel with a disability.

Marion D’Moirah, QEF Communications Manager concluded: “Today has proven that Get Going Live! is alive and well! We have welcomed so many people, of all ages, to our centre today to see and experience a comprehensive range of products and services for greater independence. Bathed in glorious sunshine, our private track has been popular all day with visitors taking advantage of the 30 adapted and accessible vehicles available for test drives. The support of all the exhibitors is appreciated and as the atmosphere has been so positive and rewarding, we feel confident Get Going Live! will be even more of a success in 2019.”

Driving Mobility’s RDAC to open cutting-edge Manchester driving assessment centre for disabled drivers

OFFICIAL OPENING: Thursday 1st November 2018, 11am – 3pm.
PRESS CALL: All reporters and photographers are welcome to attend.

Accredited by the charity Driving Mobility, RDAC operates 11 driver assessment centres nationwide – it is opening a brand new, state-of-the-art facility in Greater Manchester so that more people with disabilities can benefit from assisted motoring.

LOCATION: AJ Bell Stadium, 1 Stadium Way, Barton-upon-Irwell, Salford, Greater Manchester. M30 7EY
OFFICIAL OPENING: Thursday 1st November 2018, 11am – 3pm.
PRESS CALL: All reporters and photographers are welcome to attend.

The charity, Driving Mobility, accredits a UK network of twenty independent organisations which offer professional support and driving assessments to people who need to gain, or retain, the ability to drive following a diagnosis involving impairment or disability. RDAC is part of this network and has been in existence since 1989 – it provides assessments for older and disabled drivers, passengers, motorcyclists and mobility scooter or wheelchair users. Within its services practical advice is given regarding appropriate driving adaptations, WAVs (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles) and specialist tuition so that domestic and professional drivers can remain independent and safe. The new, custom-built RDAC centre in Salford represents a ‘flagship’ modern facility servicing people from Greater Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire.

Sean Barratt, Assessment Team Manager, directs a team of Approved Driving Instructors, Occupational Therapists and Administrative staff – all focused on providing the best individualised recommendations for mobility with peace of mind. This caring and experienced team delivers a service that seeks to minimise the worry of driving assessment and positively supports drivers, of all ages, with conditions such as Stroke, Arthritis or Spinal Injury. The new Centre boasts outstanding access and transport links with off road assessment areas for non-licence holders. Other ancillary services include Tryb4uFly cabin assessments to help with accessible air travel, and guidance regarding specialist car seats for disabled children.

Sean explains: “The team and I are so proud of our new spacious centre – its modern facilities will make a huge difference to service users looking to regain their driving independence. I would like to invite everyone with an interest in assisted motoring to attend our official launch day. We have an impressive range of features planned including the opportunity to test drive adapted cars from our specialist fleet. We will be welcoming several VIPs including senior representatives from the Department for Transport and Driving Mobility. Come and enjoy free refreshments and the opportunity to meet drivers and professionals ready to share experiences and advice.”

Sean continues: “RDAC is all about restoring confidence and improving safety – we strive to help as many people as possible to regain driving independence. We have a fully accessible indoor assessment zone so that vehicles can be driven into the Centre for demonstrations and discussions whatever the weather. This is a major advantage, especially during the winter months, making appointments to discuss driving adaptations far more engaging. Our spacious premises include a suite of private consultation rooms and an information lounge full of the latest guidance and literature. Thanks to our stadium location, service users can benefit from a driving experience that is calm and reassuring.”

Sean concludes: “Our contemporary spacious setting is a welcoming and fresh environment to help disabled and elderly drivers seeking answers – it perfectly reflects the nationwide RDAC and Driving Mobility commitment to service excellence. We look forward to helping more and more individuals enjoy the lifestyle benefits of assisted motoring.”


QEF Carshalton: Get Going Live! returns to help young disabled drivers get behind the wheel

Get Going Live! is back on 5th October 2018 and offers a unique experience to young and recently disabled individuals seeking driving independence.

young disabled driver

The Carshalton based Driving Assessment Centre, managed by the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People, will be hosting a relaunched Get Going Live! event so that young and recently disabled people can experience assistive driving.

Friday 5th October. 9:30am – 4pm. Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF),1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton. SM5 4NR. Free admission and accessible parking.

QEF Mobility Services is one of sixteen independent organisations, many with satellite centres, which offer professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility. Overseen by the charity Driving Mobility, all centres are staffed by Occupational Therapists as well as Approved Driving Instructors so that safety for drivers with injuries, disabilities or restricted mobility is maximised. As well as conducting assessments on behalf of the DVLA, Motability and healthcare professionals, Driving Mobility accepts self-referrals.

Get Going Live! – Try Adapted Driving And Explore Options For Accessible Motoring

QEF Mobility Services is delighted to be hosting the first in a series of free-to-attend Get Going Live! which will be officially opened by Mayor, Councillor Steve Cook and Mayoress Pauline Cook of the London Borough of Sutton.

The Get Going Live! events which focus on younger people with disabilities, novice drivers and individuals that have become recently disabled. Get Going Live! was originally a popular feature of the national Mobility Roadshow which was held annually from 1983 up until 2017. Attendees to this relaunched exhibition will be able to safely test drive a range of accessible and adapted vehicles around a dedicated test track with qualified specialist instructors. The event will provide the opportunity for visitors and their families, including teenagers from the age of 15, to try adapted driving for the first time and explore options for accessible motoring.

What’s On at Get Going Live!

Features of the event will include:

  • Free test drives and driving assessments (pre-booking required) please call 0208 770 1151 to book
  • Displays from a range of assistive product specialists who supply WAVs (Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles), mobility scooters, wheelchairs and more
  • The latest range of adapted driving controls and assistive technology
  • Informative presentations regarding accessible motoring
  • Refreshments and ample level parking
  • Accessible aviation travel training

Marion D’Moirah from QEF comments: “We are delighted to be hosting the relaunched Get Going Live! event. Based on its popular heritage, we believe it will be well attended and deliver a unique experience to young and recently disabled individuals seeking driving independence. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will be on hand to offer the latest guidance regarding assisted driving and to provide instruction around our test drive track. We will have around 30 vehicles available for test drives and overall the atmosphere of the day promises to be fun and fully rewarding.”

Contact information
0208 770 1151
NEWS: Mayor and Mayoress of Sutton to open Get Going Live! test drive event for young disabled drivers at QEF Carshalton

Exhibitors at Get Going Live!

Click an exhibitor’s name to see more information…


Powered solutions to manage people up to 160kg with reduced mobility on stairways.  Adult and peadiatric Vacuum Posture Cushions. Bathing solutions. Sleep systems including pressure relief and thermorgulation.Sensory solutions.

Adapted Vehicle Hire

Suppliers of an extensive range of adapted cars and wheelchair accessible vehicles for either long term or short term hire.

Barbara Bus Fund

Provides wheelchair accessible vehicles for passengers who are unable to transfer and travel in a standard car seat. Based in Stanmore and Middlesex

Belmont Garage Ltd

Is a local family owned Motobaility garage specialising in Hyundai and MG cars and adaptations can be arranged.  Vehicles on display and one for driving.

Brig Ayd Controls Ltd

An award winning company specializing in design, manufacture and installing adaptations to vehicles to enable a disabled person to drive. Hand controls, Foot controls, hoists for scooters and wheelchairs & steering aids. Installers all around the UK.


Have been manufacturing Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles since 1985.  Our attention to detail, customer care and commitment to quality mean our WAVs carry an excellent reputation.  Exhibiting the new low-floor Mercedes-Benz V-class conversion.

DS & P Mobility

Displaying a Ford Torneo with hand controls, Under Ring, Swivel Seat driver and passenger, Roof Box, Boot Hoist

Elap Mobility

Are manufacturers and installers of vehicle adaptations. Partnered with Autoadapt & Kivi we have a product range including, Seating Solutions, Driving Controls, the Chairtopper Roof Top Box & Boot Hoists assisting the customer in the best way possible.


Adapt vehicles to suit people’s needs within the car, whether that be so they can drive, get in or out, or assist with lifting heavy items into the boot for them.

Gerald Simonds Healthcare Ltd

Is the leading UK supplier and distributor of lightweight manual and powered wheelchairs, add-on power-drives and pressure management seating.

GM Coachworks Ltd

Have since 1988 specialised in mobility solutions for wheelchair users including Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles and Drive From Wheelchair Vehicles as well as a Range of vehicle adaptations and have brochures available on stand.

John Preston Healthcare Group

Is a family business of 170 years displaying tiemerdous wheelchair power attachments along with active wheelchairs and folding electric wheelchairs.

Kent Mobility Ltd

Suppliers of standard and bespoke mobility products with made to measure seating systems with a full in house O.T. service. Displaying power chairs, manual chairs & seating systems.


Supply and design standard and custom made disability equipment for children and young people.  We are selling some assistive equipment on our stand.

Motion Healthcare

Provide a small range of folding powered wheelchairs displaying all 3 models.  Also have a new Lithium car boot scooter with 5kg battery pack with 26 mile range.

National Tremor Foundation

Is a charity dedicated to people with tremors – its mission is to provide advice and support for those with Essential Tremor. 60% cases are hereditary.

The OHMI Trust

Is a charity displaying instruments, literature and videos showing people playing the musical instruments on a laptop.

Permobil Ltd

Displaying power chairs, power add-ons for manual chairs and cushions

Shine Spina Bifida charity

Provide a range of support and advice to adults, families with babies/children with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and to carers and professionals. Will have information leaflets, booklets, about the conditions on the stand.

Smart Wheelchairs

Are an independent retailer who specialise in prescription and provision of specialist powered and manual wheelchairs.  Displaying standing power chairs, children’s chairs, special controls and seating systems.

Sutton Shopmobility R & R

Is an equipment hire charity that provides wheelchairs and electric mobility scooters for short and long term hire. Our Recycle & Recondition project accepts unwanted mobility equipment items and reconditions to make them useable again.

Steering Developments Ltd

Is a small but very experienced company, modifying wheelchairs and vehicles for over 33 years.  From basic to most complicated jobs, providing a personal customer experience.

TGA Living

Have a range of mobility & healthcare products; ranging from scooters & powerchairs to smaller daily living aids such as walking sticks, special cutlery, rollators, bath mats, pressure cushions, wheelchair bags and perching stools.

EXHIBITOR NEWS: TGA Living to showcase pioneering mobility products including WHILL Model C powerchair at Get Going Live!

Surrey based TGA Living, will be showcasing a selection of its quality mobility products at the Get Going Live! event being held by QEF Mobility Services at the Carshalton based Driving Assessment Centre.

Friday 5th October. 9:30am – 4pm. Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF), 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton. SM5 4NR. Free admission and accessible parking.

TGA Living is a ‘next generation’ independent living showroom located near Farnham. Part of TGA Mobility, TGA Living provides a comprehensive range of quality assistive products including mobility scooters, wheelchairs, adjustable chairs, stairlifts and aids for daily living. Friendly TGA representatives will be demonstrating a selection of these at Get Going Live! – an accessible vehicle test-drive event for young and recently disabled people seeking driving and independent mobility.

TGA Living will be demonstrating a range of products including:

    • New TGA WHILL Model C Powerchair – the pioneering, technologically advanced solution with stunning styling and transportable abilities
    • TGA Minimo mobility scooter – the best-selling car boot scooter that folds in seconds
    • TGA wheelchair powerpacks – the proven range for powered assistance of attendant controlled wheelchairs
    • A selection of aids for independent living including walkers and shower stools.


QEF Mobility Services is one of 20 independent organisations which offer professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility. Overseen by the charity Driving Mobility, all centres are staffed by Occupational Therapists as well as Approved Driving Instructors so that safety for drivers with injuries, disabilities or restricted mobility is maximised. As well as conducting assessments on behalf of the DVLA, Motability and healthcare professionals, Driving Mobility accepts self-referrals.

QEF Mobility Services is delighted to be hosting the first in a series of free-to-attend regional Get Going Live! exhibitions. Get Going Live! was originally a popular feature of the national Mobility Roadshow which ran for over 30 years until 2017. Attendees to this relaunched exhibition will be able to safely test drive a range of accessible and adapted vehicles around a dedicated test track with qualified specialist instructors. The event will provide the opportunity for visitors and their families, including teenagers from the age of 15, to try adapted driving for the first time and explore options for accessible motoring. They will also be able to see a selection of equipment innovations from leading product specialists such as TGA Living.

Roseanne Finch, TGA Living Manager said: “We are looking forward to exhibiting at Get Going Live!, it was always such a popular feature of the national Mobility Roadshow. It provides the unique opportunity to test drives WAVs and see the latest assistive innovations, such as our award-winning products. I’m sure our new WHILL Model C powerchair will be a real show-stopper. We believe exhibiting at regional events such as this are so important for TGA Living as it provides us with the opportunity to meet people face-to-face and discuss individual mobility needs. We focus on this approach every day at TGA Living so independence and peace of mind are maximised through correct product provision.”

TFL Travel Mentors

Is a free travel mentoring service to help disabled Londoners become more confident using public transport services. Monday-Friday between 8am & 6pm.  The scheme can be used for any journey in the London area covered by public transport.


Offer a loan equipment service including our new scooter hire service.  We have fully adapted holiday homes and Canal boat. We also sell mobility aids and personal care items.  Please see the website for more details.


In partnership with Quickie and will be showcasing the new Q500 and Q700 range of powerchairs.  There will be the opportunity to test drive and talk to the Quickie professionals about the revolutionary new chairs.

EXHIBITOR NEWS: Wheelfreedom Launch Q-Series Powerchair with Free Lift & Tilt Upgrade at Get Going Live!

Wheelfreedom are attending the relaunched Get Going Live! event at the QEF Mobility Services centre in Carshalton on 5th October, demonstrating the new Quickie Q-series powerchairs and allowing people the chance to try them out.

Get Going Live: Friday 5th October, 9.30 am – 4 pm, with an official opening by Mayor of Sutton, Councillor Steve Cook at 10 am. Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF), 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton, SM5 4NR. Free admission and accessible parking available.

Alongside Sunrise Medical, Wheelfreedom have an exclusive offer for attendees at the event, who can claim a free upgrade to powered Lift & Tilt (worth up to £1,750) on any Q500 or Q700 wheelchair purchased following the event.

The hosts, Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation Mobility Services are an independent organisation, overseen by the charity Driving Mobility, which offers professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility.

Replacing a popular feature from the now defunct Mobility Roadshow, the Get Going Live! event is aimed at younger people with disabilities, novice drivers, and newly disabled people, to help with assisted driving. There will be the opportunity to safely test drive a range of accessible and adapted vehicles around a test track with a qualified specialist instructor.

Alongside this, a selection of assistive product specialists have been invited to attend, including Wheelfreedom, who are attending alongside Quickie Wheelchairs to demonstrate the revolutionary new Q-Series powerchairs that have just been launched.

Attendees will have the chance to try out the new Q100, Q500 and Q700 models, including the flagship standing Q700-Up M, and can arrange a specialist home demonstration. In partnership with Sunrise Medical, Wheelfreedom are offering a free upgrade to a Lift & Tilt module for attendees purchasing any Q500 or Q700 powerchair from them.

All of the Q500 and Q700 powerchairs come pre-prepared for Dahl docking stations, a TÜV certified system allowing people to easily dock in and drive their car from their wheelchair.

Wheelfreedom Managing Director Giles Donald commented: “We’re delighted to have partnered with Sunrise Medical to attend the Get Going Live! event this year. We have had excellent feedback on the Quickie Q-series range since it was launched in August, and believe the ground-breaking technology and choice of mid, rear and front-wheel drive bases makes them the ideal powerchair to suit different WAV configurations. We are looking forward to giving attendees the chance to put these chairs through their paces, and we’re sure they will be as excited about the Q-series powerchairs as we are.”

For further information on the special offer, please visit www.wheelfreedom.com or call 0800 025 8005 to speak to a Wheelfreedom product specialist.

Wilsons Automobiles & Coachworks

Will have their Nissan Qashqai being used for test drives, available on the Motability scheme to lease and the type of adaptations that can be made to these cars.  With more literature on the stand.


Adult Social Care Information & Engagement

Promotes the free Surrey Disability Register to all disabled residents and provides information (e.g. winter warmth)


Uses the challenges of flight and exposure to aviation as a tool for improving the lives of those with a disability (physical, learning, psychological or an injury acquired in conflict).


Provides accessible cycles for people to try out plus regular cycling sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the David Weir Leisure Centre.

Motor Neurone Disease Association

Provides information, advice and support for people living with MND, their families, carers, and health and social care professionals in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Scheme enables disabled people to lease a car, scooter or powered wheelchair, using their Government funded mobility allowance. The package includes insurance from RSA Motability, full RAC breakdown assistance, servicing, repairs and maintenance.

Parkinson’s UK

Supply and design standard and custom made disability equipment for children and young people.  We are selling some assistive equipment on our stand.

QEF Independent Living Services

Is a residential transition centre for young adults with complex multiple disabilities.  It aims to help young disabled adults to gain the skills and confidence they need to live as independently as they can.

QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Services

Offer neurorehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation and transition support for individuals with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) from all over the UK.

Sutton Community Transport

Is a community transport charity supporting local individuals and groups through access to low cost vehicle hire and help avoid social isolation. Information is on the stand and how to join as a member.

Triangle Community Services

Offer a variety of services including home care, extra care and health projects in different boroughs. A charity 7 registered with CQC.

Get Going Live! Talk schedule: In the Board Room



9.30 Sarah Vines – Introduction to day
10:00 Mayor of Sutton – Opening
10:15 Paul Kane from DVSA – Disability Driving Tests
11:00 Brian Gordon from Transport for London
11:45 Chris Kingsley Introduction to teaching people with disabilities to drive
13:30 George Allen Young Drivers
14.30 Graham Race from Accessible Aviation & Tryb4uFly making it easier for disabled people to fly

Talk schedule:  In the Aircraft Fuselage

11:00 Guide to Flying & Tryb4uFly
13.00 Guide to Flying & Tryb4uFly

RiDC and Driving Mobility launch awareness campaign regarding car seats for disabled children

Launch of an awareness campaign focusing on specialist car seats for disabled children.

RiDC, The Research Institute for Disabled Consumers, and the charity Driving Mobility have collaborated to launch an awareness campaign focusing on specialist car seats for disabled children.

RiDC has over 50 years’ experience of user-centred research involving disabled and older consumers. In response to a growing demand from families and carers with disabled children, RiDC have introduced qualified and unique information about specialist car seats and harnesses.

Driving Mobility oversees a network of 20 independent organisations, many with satellite centres, which offer professional information, advice and driving assessments for people seeking assistance with mobility. This charity will be supporting RiDC to raise awareness of its independent car seat research and advising its driving assessment centres to provide this vital information to service users.

The campaign aims to ensure that children who require additional postural assistance whilst travelling in a car, can benefit from greater safety and comfort. Signposting towards specialist suppliers, such as JCM Seating, R82 and Recaro, is being provided along with key features and estimated prices.
