Launch of a Powered Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter (PWMS) retailer training scheme - Driving Mobility

Launch of a Powered Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter (PWMS) retailer training scheme

Driving Mobility is delighted to announce that they will be formally launching a new PWMS Retailers’ Training Scheme, supported by the Department of Transport (DfT), at an event being held at an event in London in June 2023.

The key aim behind the project is to improve road safety for all, through a process of ensuring that people looking to purchase or hire mobility vehicles are given comprehensive advice and guidance in choosing the right machine that will be safe and suitable for their individual needs.

Until now, there has been no uniform national industry scheme for the assessment and training of new mobility users. As a result, some people have purchased vehicles unsuitable for them in terms of their ability to control the vehicle safely, and without being given sufficient advice and instruction to enable them to use their equipment in public places without endangering themselves or members of the public they may encounter.

With the support of the DfT, mobility retailers will be able to take part in this training programme free of charge. Successful attendees will receive a certificate, featuring the ‘Supported by DfT’ logo which will be a clear indication to their customers that they are purchasing equipment from a company that has received suitable training in undertaking assessments of this type. The intention is to give the public confidence that they are purchasing equipment from a reputable retailer who has received training in assessing their suitability for any particular type of equipment..

The programmes are open to all mobility retailers and if you would like more information about the PWMS scheme once its launched or would like to attend the launch event in June please contact Driving Mobility at: